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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Why do we pray ?

I m back into blogging after a long long time ..

And this time its a rather sensitive topic... So... I m putting a disclaimer at the beginning itself.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ALERT   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
No offense intended towards religious/spiritual sentiments. 
I m just sharing my views and doesn't mean that I m imposing it. 
Every one have the freedom to believe what ever they like to. 
I am respecting that Freedom and every one else also should
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ALERT   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

My personal feeling is that , Its very convenient for every one to blame God and not to do their work. You just need to pray to escape even if you do a big crime.

Lets take the following facts and try to do some logical reasoning and see what are the possibilities..
First of all.. let me tell you... I m neither a theist nor an atheist.

1) Thousands of innocent people including kids and women get killed in Tsunami.
2) Thousands of innocent people including kids and women get killed in Religious extremist bombing.
3) 3 months old innocent baby with Leukemia fights for life..

And as far as with my very little knowledge & research what I found out are the following possibilities...
Lets call them as postulates as nothing required any proof..
1) There is no God
2) There is a very powerful God and we are his sons and daughters. But he is least bothered about them.
3) There is a very powerful God and he is playing a game with humans as players.
4) There is a very powerful God and there is an after death life for every one. And the current life is an evaluation for this after life.
5) There is a very powerful God and every one has reincarnations. And what you get in current life is the outcome of what you did in previous life.
6) There is a loving God and we are his sons and daughters. But he is not powerful enough to help them.
7) Known is a drop and unknown is an ocean. There is a GOD. No questions should be asked

Postulate (1) There is no GOD.
Reason : This should be the one all atheists love. No one can prove the existence of GOD only with the help of 5 senses of human. When you talk about GOD, you need to always use the words, personal experience, Belief, 6th sense, etc which can't be explained through the 5 senses which are common to every one. And this explains why the FACTS mentioned above still occurring.
Why do we Pray ?  Pretty useless as there is no one to receive.

Postulate (2) There is a Powerful GOD and we are his sons and daughters. But he is least bothered about them.
Reason : If the GOD exists and he is very powerful, why can't he just solve every one's problems???
As he is very powerful, He just need a nano second or less to find out a solution which fits for every one.
I heard always people telling that God loves you better than your mother. And if that's true , he will definitely act and eradicate all the problems. I remember of the tsunami incident and people who came to pray in Velankanni church also got washed out. People might argue that , its a punishment for them. What crap ???
If GOD is that powerful why he needs to punish his sons ? Why can't he just change their mind and bring them to the right way ? The concept of Punishment and things like that are applicable only in a human life why because no one have control on other's mind. But that should not be the case with GOD, He is damn powerful. He can do any thing. I remember reading BIBLE , mentioning that GOD made pharaoh's mind harder. So, why can't he changes every one's mind and solve whole the issues in a fraction of second. Answer could be that .. he doesn't care... and this explains the FACTS.
Why do we Pray ?  Pretty useless as the receiver doesn't care.

Postulate (3) There is a very powerful God and he is playing a game with humans as players.
Reason : I remember the movie Gladiator in which the ROMA Emperors watching a game in which 2 teams are killing each other to survive(of-course, there is no rules). So... may be GOD also playing a game in which we are all players trying to survive here by doing what ever we can. Also I remember in the movie some time the emperor sends Lions ,etc. to the play field to make the game more interesting. May be that's what GOD also does with Tsunamis etc. Players need to pray for this emperor's kindness.
If he feels kind he might not send the lions. But still the death is eminent. it will happen sometimes. Only thing you can do is to just extend the time. Thats what we are doing in the current world. But if this is the case, the statement "god loves you better than your mother" does not hold good. It should be changed as "GOD is a cruel emperor and we need to pray for his kindness" and this very well explains the FACTS.
Why do we Pray ?  Pretty useless as its a game. Ah.. he might not send the lions if you pray.

Postulate (4) There is a very powerful God and there is an after death life for every one. And the current life is an evaluation for this after life.
Reason : In this case all humans are given a chance to do good things in the current life and based on the performance in the current life the things in the next life determined. If you are performing well you will go to heaven otherwise hell. But the funny thing here is that no every one given the same evaluation time.Some dies just after the birth some after living 100 years. So, not sure how the evaluation is even in these. A baby couldn't have done any sins in his small life span. But the oldie in 100 would have done many. May be the baby got a double promotion. Anyways... the fare rule of an examination is that you should not be getting any  outside help. Which means things will just go on.. God is not going to intervene. And this explains the FACTS.
Why do we Pray ?  Pretty useless as it is an examination. There wont be any outside help.

Postulate (5) There is a very powerful God and every one has reincarnations. And what you get in current life is the outcome of what you did in previous life

Reason : In this case all humans/creatures were given a chance to do good things in their previous incarnation and based on the performance in that , the current incarnation is determined. If you had performed well in the previous life, you should have got a good life now. But the funny thing is that you have no clue to know what your previous incarnation was or future will. And again you can't change the past and so you have no opportunity to correct things here for this life. But you would get an opportunity for the next incarnation if you do good things now. But in any case... the fare rule of such a mechanism  is that you should not be getting any outside help. Because if god helps selectively you alone in between, it will be unfair to others. As god considered to be an equal opportunity employer, he should not be giving any favoritism for selected people. Which means things will just go on.. God is not going to intervene. And this explains the FACTS.
Why do we Pray ?  Pretty useless as God never gonna intervene. There wont be any outside help.

Postulate (6) There is a loving God and we are his sons and daughters. But he is not powerful enough to help them.
Reason : He might not have power to change human will/mind and he is helpless to solve his son's problems.
He just can give guidelines to escape from Satan or some one who is powerful than him just like a preacher.
This is pretty convenient to believe in the present situation of the world. It explains the FACTS.
 Why do we Pray ?  Pretty useless as the God doesn't have power to help you.

Postulate (7) Known is a drop and unknown is an ocean. There is a GOD. No questions should be asked

Reason : This would be the one all theists love. Because they don't want to get any tricky questions as they always want to be non-thinking slaves and waits for outside help.
I remember a funny scene from a Malayalam movie. One guy thought of cheating others for fun and says every one that "Biriyani/Food" is served for free in one place.And then people started running for it. After seeing so many people running for it, he also started getting doubts... and finally he also started running.. his logic was that If actually Biriyani/food is serving there for free ??? (The famous Malayalam dialogue is "Ini enganum biriyani kodukkunnundengilo ?")
 Why do we Pray ?  Pretty useful. "Ini enganum biriyani kodukkunnundengilo ?" :-)

In conjunction with this there are many different unknown theories which we can believe or not.
Some scholars like Zacharia Sithin (Author of Earth chronicles) & Erich von Daniken (Author of Chariots of the Gods) tells that all the so called gods we worship are some aliens of other planets and they are very advanced in technology came in earth for mining gold and created the primitive man by gene manipulation etc. And the primitive men believed that their creators are gods and started worshiping and same is continuing now. But they finished their business and gone back and no prayers will be answered.

Many many more such theories for which scholars give some scientific explanations as well.
But what ever the case.. the qn. echoes here is that " Why do we pray ? "
Any ways, If we consider, the above postulates 1,2,4,5,6  there is no point of doing prayers, goin church etc... from a solution point of view. May be it gives some relaxation or strength to you to survive , that holds good.
And in the 3rd case, you need to pray, but you can just imagine how kind he would be. There are people who would rather opt to gain strength themselves rather than waiting for the emperor to be kind. ( remember his kindness is only to not send lions .. ha ha ha)
And in the theist loved 7th postulate, you can continue to pray. "Ini enganum biriyani kodukkunnundengilo ?"
Anyways, people are different, and they act, think differently.
Thier will, thier way, thier life.. who cares...  :-)